Today a challenge i got with C++

Today i showed my friend what i made in C++ he gave me a challenge
that i need to make a login program with 3 chances in C++
he kept talking about loops and stuff, so i accepted the challenege


On my first try i failed miserably i didn't know what a for loop was and then
i kept looking at for loops tutorial for C++, after a lot of fails i got to something
But the funniest thing to happen was that i was so sleep deprived
that i thought putting the input output in the for loop would be bloat
so i created the input output in a function and tried to for loop that function, I know im stupid lol.

Music that i listened to while making this

  • Plastic Love
    Friday Night Yakuza 0
    Baka Mitai Yakuza 0
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